Showing posts with label PhD Student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhD Student. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Lemon Brown Butter Walnut Sauce

Ravioli - The Cheater Version

Wait...Ravioli?!?! Are you insane?!?!

Is that what you are thinking? Sounds about right. But comeon! I thought we had a better relationship than that, don't you trust me not to direct you towards some unbelievably hard recipe that no one way in heck you could accomplish? HAVE FAITH!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mango, Avocado Fresh Rolls with Soy Peanut Dipping Sauce

The name says it all. Fresh rolls. Fresssssshhhh. Ahhhh....

Traditionally found at Asian restaurants with shrimp or pork. Which are quite delicious. But yall know me and I like to switch things up a bit. I just think the colours are sooo perdy. Also I want to show you all how easy this can be! It is still a process, and may take a few tries... but it is not untouchable!

Makes a great little snackie for yourself, or awesome dish to bring to a potluck. Personally, with the amount of prep this takes, I make it worth my time and make a whole whack of them at a time.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vanilla Bean Crème Brûlée

Mmmm... crème brûlée.... mmmm....

Crème brûlée is like the Kim Kardashian of desserts. Sexy, smooth, a little intimidating and appears out of reach to most... but when you look closely at it, just a hard shell on top but really easy to get into .. WHAMMY.

Haha ... creme brulee can be a birthday cake too!
I get it, it crème brûlée looks challenging. It is custard-like-thing... I was intimidated. I never thought I could even attempt it. And vanilla beans? Ya friggan right! Not in this girl's budget.
But..BUT... it was my foodie friend's birthday. And for her, cupcakes just wouldn't do. I needed to take it up a notch. I needed to go where no student ever thought they could go. And I knew her dad had a mini torch so I thought it was a perfect opportunity.

Now I know there are 100,000,000 different crème brûlée recipes out there. So mine isn't anything remotely special. I just wanted to share with you the one that worked for me. Because yes I tried it TWICE before success. Turned out the least complex recipe was the one that worked the best.

So here it is, my most successful therefore favourite crème brûlée recipe, adapted from The Sweet Pea Chef.  No tempering of eggs, no double boilers, no mess and fess.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Birthday Dinner!!!

The absolute best part about having a birthday, is having other people spoil the crap out of you.

And that is EXACTLY what happened on my birthday this year =)

My foodie friend out-did herself by cooking me an amazing multi-course birthday dinner. Best part about it... THE THEME WAS CHEESE!!!!!! Does she know me? Or does she know me?

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