Showing posts with label Potluck Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potluck Ideas. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Zucchini, Goat Cheese and Sundried Tomato Roll-Ups

Another great little party treat that works anytime of the year, but how fitting are the colours for the holiday season? Funny thing is.. I am pretty sure I originally made these in the summer.

Ah well, just like the last holiday-potluck-appetizer-deliciousness seen here Cranberry Green Onion Cheese Pinwheels, these are ridiculously easy and super cute. So make them. Just do it.

Make them.

And then tell me about it. Cuz I would love to hear it.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cranberry and Green Onion Cheese Pinwheels

Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday! Mine was great, filled with food and wine - all the best holidays are.

Now I know I should have posted this BEFORE the holidays, but things got a little crazy and well... it didn't happen so I apologize! BUT that doesn't mean it is too late to make these - just call them something different. At the holiday party I went to, they were called "Red and Green Pinwheels".

Funny how the mind works eh?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mango, Avocado Fresh Rolls with Soy Peanut Dipping Sauce

The name says it all. Fresh rolls. Fresssssshhhh. Ahhhh....

Traditionally found at Asian restaurants with shrimp or pork. Which are quite delicious. But yall know me and I like to switch things up a bit. I just think the colours are sooo perdy. Also I want to show you all how easy this can be! It is still a process, and may take a few tries... but it is not untouchable!

Makes a great little snackie for yourself, or awesome dish to bring to a potluck. Personally, with the amount of prep this takes, I make it worth my time and make a whole whack of them at a time.

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