Thursday, March 14, 2013

How To: Eat a Banana, Chicken Wings and a Cupcake like a Gentleman or Gentlelady

So apparently I have been eating bananas, chicken wings and cupcakes my entire life.

No word of a lie. My world has been flipped upside down and backwards. I can't even contain myself right now.  I have MOUNTAINS of homework and marking to do, but who gives a flip? I need to immediately go out and get myself a banana, some chicken wings and one badass cupcake.

I stumbled upon this cupcake method a few months ago and never looked back. But when a classmate of mine took out a banana and peeled it like this...I couldn't look away - genius! Then I had to go on a search for video tutorials to share with everyone. Secrets this amazing should not remain a secret! (AMEN brotha!)

THANK GOODNESS for social media tools or else I would still be eating bananas like a chump, chicken wings like a sucker and cupcakes like a fool. Keep reading/watching so you also don't have to.

How To: Eat a Banana, Chicken Wings and a Cupcake like a Gentleman or Gentlelady


So opening the banana from the other side allows for easier peeling and now you have a little handle?! Incredible.

- No seriously... this is friggan fantastic.

No more wasted delicious chicken meat! No more looking like a barbarian trying to suck it from the bone!

And finally...

THE CUPCAKE, also I may add this is a very nice little video!

Any food-eating-like tips you wanna share? I WELCOME evolution!

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